Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
- Nearby Indians raided a farmer’s hogs (1675) -> The farmers petitioned Sir William Berkeley (governor of Virginia) to organize militia to fight off the Indians -> Berkeley, a pro-Indian policy maker, refused -> Bacon organized his own army made up of poor whites and indentured servants to fight Indians -> Berkeley declared Bacon treason -> Bacon then turned his own army to Berkeley
- Frontiersmen vs. Aristocrats
- Moral of the Story: 1) frontier settlers were not happy with a government that only cared about the interests of a small group; 2) the poorer colonists were unwilling to tolerate such a government
- Result: Indians unwillingly signed new treaty to give more lands to whites
First Great Awakening (1730-1740s)
- Converted African slaves to Christianity
- focused on already-church members
- Nearby Indians raided a farmer’s hogs (1675) -> The farmers petitioned Sir William Berkeley (governor of Virginia) to organize militia to fight off the Indians -> Berkeley, a pro-Indian policy maker, refused -> Bacon organized his own army made up of poor whites and indentured servants to fight Indians -> Berkeley declared Bacon treason -> Bacon then turned his own army to Berkeley
- Frontiersmen vs. Aristocrats
- Moral of the Story: 1) frontier settlers were not happy with a government that only cared about the interests of a small group; 2) the poorer colonists were unwilling to tolerate such a government
- Result: Indians unwillingly signed new treaty to give more lands to whites
First Great Awakening (1730-1740s)
- Converted African slaves to Christianity
- focused on already-church members